Filename | Description |
main.dll | main dll |
maintenanceui.dll | Maintenance Settings Control Panel |
mfps.dll | Media Foundation Proxy DLL |
mi.dll | Management Infrastructure |
mibincodec.dll | Management Infrastructure binary codec component |
microsoft-windows-battery-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Battery-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-hal-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-HAL-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-kernel-pnp-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Pnp-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-kernel-power-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-kernel-processor-power-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-pdc.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Pdc Resources |
microsoft-windows-processor-aggregator-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Processor-Aggregator-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-sleepstudy-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-SleepStudy-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-storage-tiering-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-Storage-Tiering-Events Resources |
microsoft-windows-system-events.dll | Microsoft-Windows-System-Events Resources | | Microsoft.Windows.BackgroundIntelligentTransfer.dll |
microsoft.bitlocker.structures.dll | Microsoft.BitLocker.Structures | | Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll |
microsoft.directx.audiovideoplayback.dll | Microsoft Managed AudioVideoPlayback |
microsoft.directx.diagnostics.dll | Microsoft Managed DirectX Diagnostics |
microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll | Microsoft Managed Direct3D |
microsoft.directx.directinput.dll | Microsoft Managed DirectInput |
microsoft.directx.directplay.dll | Microsoft Managed DirectPlay |
microsoft.directx.directsound.dll | Microsoft Managed DirectSound |
microsoft.directx.dll | Microsoft Managed DirectX Helper Classes |
microsoft.dism.powershell.dll | DismCmdlets |
microsoft.dism.powershell.resources.dll | microsoft.dism.powershell.resources.dll |
microsoft.dtc.powershell.resources.dll | microsoft.dtc.powershell.resources.dll | | Microsoft Tablet PC API |
microsoft.jscript.dll | Microsoft.JScript.dll | | Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Native.Unmanaged.dll |
microsoft.managementconsole.dll | MMCFx |
microsoft.mshtml.dll | Microsoft.mshtml.dll | | Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel | | Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio |
microsoft.powershell.dsc.filedownloadmanager.dll | microsoft.powershell.dsc.filedownloadmanager.dll |
microsoft.powershell.dsc.filedownloadmanager.resources.dll | Microsoft.PowerShell.DSC.FileDownloadManager.resources.dll |
microsoft.practices.enterpriselibrary.common.dll | Enterprise Library Shared Library |
microsoft.sqlserver.diagnostics.strace.dll | Microsoft.SqlServer.Diagnostics.STrace |
microsoft.stdformat.dll | Microsoft.stdformat.dll |
microsoft.visualbasic.dll | Visual Basic Runtime Library |
microsoft.visualbasic.vsa.dll | Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.dll |
microsoft.visualc.dll | Microsoft® Visual C++ Metadata |
microsoft.vsa.dll | Microsoft.Vsa.dll |
microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll | Microsoft.Vsa.Vb.CodeDOMProcessor.dll | | AppBackgroundTaskCmdlets | | NetworkSecurityCmdlets | | |
microsoft.windowserrorreporting.powershell.dll | WerCmdlets |
microsoft.windowssearch.commands.dll | Microsoft.WindowsSearch.Commands.dll |
microsoft.windowssearch.commands.resources.dll | microsoft.windowssearch.commands.resources.dll |
microsoft.xna.framework.dll | Microsoft.Xna.Framework | | 5.1.50918.0 |
microsoftaccounttokenprovider.dll | Microsoft® Account Token Provider |
microsoft_vsavb.dll | The metadata wrapper for VSA VB Engine |
midas.dll | Embarcadero MIDAS Component Package |
midimap.dll | Microsoft MIDI Mapper |
miframework.dll | MiFramework |
mifsystemutility.dll | MIFSystemUtility |
migcore.dll | Migration Engine Core |
migflt.dll | PBR Wim Capture Utility - Filter DLL |
migism.dll | Migration Engine |
migism_a.dll | Cobra Migration Engine |
migisol.dll | Migration System Isolation Layer |
miglibnt.dll | NT migration dll support |
migrate.dll | Setup Migration Dll |
migres.dll | Migration Resources DLL |
migstore.dll | Migration Engine Store |
migsys.dll | MigSys.XML helper DLL |
miguiresource.dll | MIG wini32 resources |
mijfrc.dll | Logitech Force Feedback Driver |
milcore.dll | Microsoft MIL Core Library |
mimedir.dll | Outlook Mimedir |
mimefilt.dll | Microsoft (R) IMimeFilter Persistent Handler DLL |
mimofcodec.dll | Management Infrastructure mof codec component |
miner.dll | coin-miner |
mingwm10.dll | mingwm10.dll |
minhook.x64.dll | MinHook - The Minimalistic API Hook Library for x64/x86 |
minhook.x86.dll | MinHook - The Minimalistic API Hook Library for x64/x86 |
minicorelib.dll | minicorelib.dll |
minimogueva.dll | VST Plugin |
miniobject.dll | MiniObject.dll |
miniomp.dll | miniomp.dll |
miniupnpc.dll | miniupnpc.dll |
miofms.dll | Miofms.dll |
miplwrapper.dll | wrapper for mipl library |
miradisp.dll | UMDF Miracast display port driver |
mirrordrvcompat.dll | Mirror Driver Compatibility Helper |
miscutil.dll | MiscUtil |
mispace.dll | Storage Management Provider for Spaces |
mitab_fme.dll | MITAB DLL |
mitrace.dll | MiTrace.dll |
miutils.dll | Management Infrastructure |
mumsg.dll | mumsg.dll |
ui.dll | ui.dll |
uianimation.dll | Windows Animation Manager |
uiaprovider.dll | PSP UiaProvider DLL |
uiautomationcore.dll | Microsoft UI Automation Core |
uiautomationcoreres.dll | Microsoft UI Automation Core Resource |
uicom.dll | Add/Remove Modems | | Adobe DLL |
uihelper.dll | IIS UIHelper Module |
uihub.dll | Microsoft Tablet PC Flicks and Pen Feedback Component |
uilangres.dll | UILangRes |
uilayoutmgr.dll | CtrlFactory |
uireng.dll | UI Recording Engine Library |
uiribbon.dll | Windows Ribbon Framework |
uiribbonres.dll | Windows Ribbon Framework Resources |
uiw.dll | uiw |
ui_mp_x86.dll | ui_mp_x86.dll |
wups.dll | Windows Update client proxy stub |
wups2.dll | Windows Update client proxy stub 2 |
microsoft.licensing.utils1.2.dll | microsoft.licensing.utils1.2.dll |
mintcastnetworks.dll | mintcastnetworks AdWare |
mio.dll | mio.dll |