
Fix your ole32ws.dll error

Due to security concerns, this file is not available for download. We only provide information on how to fix the specific DLL problem.

Fix your ole32ws.dll error

This file has been reported to be part of a spyware/malware/trojan. It is likely that the problem you are experiencing is linked directly to the spyware/malware/trojan rather than an actual missing DLL-file and the recommended course of action is to first locate/remove the Malware. We do not recommend downloading this file. Support says:

This is a possible manual solution for you 'handyman-fixers' out there:

WARNING: Do this at your own risk. manually changing the registry could cause system critical errors if done incorrectly, the instructions below are not guaranteed to work on your particular system setup.

Virus Characteristics

Ole32ws.dll is part of a downloader trojan. The purpose of this malware is simply to connect to a remote system, download the specified files to the local machine, and execute those files. When run, the trojan contacts the server named A web page on this server contains a hidden list of files for the trojan to download. This list of files may be changed at any moment by the administrator of the site.

Indications of Infection

Presence of the following files:

d1ki.exe - Runs d1k.exe

d1k.exe - runs Internet Explorer to display czech porn site

ole32ws.dll -Adware DLL

Q80164935.exe - porn dialer which dials premium rate numbers

Q80635352.exe - porn dialer which dials premuim rate number

d.cmd - checks to see if either of the Q???????? files listed above are present on the system. If they are it deletes itself.

Removal Instructions:

Follow these steps to remove TIB Browser from your machine. Begin by backing up your registry and your system, and/or setting a Restore Point, to prevent trouble if you make a mistake.

1. Kill these running processes with Task Manager:

- programfilesdir+\websiteviewer\122682.exe

- programfilesdir+\websiteviewer\123111.exe

2. Remove this registry item with RegEdit:

- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\websiteviewer

3. Remove these files with Windows Explorer:

- profilepath+\desktop\sexcam.lnk

- profilepath+\start menu\sexcam.lnk

- programfilesdir+\websiteviewer\122682.exe

- programfilesdir+\websiteviewer\123111.exe

- programfilesdir+\websiteviewer\123799.dlr

- systemroot+\desktop\sexxx.lnk

- systemroot+\start menu\sexxxl.lnk

4. Remove these directories with Windows Explorer:

- programfilesdir+\websiteviewer

- programfilesdir+\websiteviewer

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