
Fix your greenvid.dll error

Due to security concerns, this file is not available for download. We only provide information on how to fix the specific DLL problem.

Fix your greenvid.dll error

[DLL-Files Support 2016-01-21]


greenvid.dll has been identified as a threat with the following, and more, names; Gen:Variant.Adware.Graftor.258097, Adware.W32.Agent!c, Trojan.Adware.Graftor.D3F031, and is therefor removed by some antivirus.

This file seem to be a part of a web browser toolbar/extension that can inject advertisements in the browser.

If you trust greenvid.dll, re-install the software, and exempt it from your antivirus.

To simply remove errors for greenvid.dll, follow these instructions;

1. Download the free program Autoruns by Microsoft.

Click here to download: Sysinternals Autoruns

Link basis:

2. Find the yellow highlighted Image Paths that ends with greenvid.dll. Usually you can locate those image paths from the tab named "Scheduled Task" or Logon.

3. Right click any yellow highlighted row ending with greenvid.dll and choose delete.

4. Try to find all yellow highlighted Image Paths that ends with greenvid.dll from "Everything" tab, delete them. NOTE: Carefully choose image paths that ends greenvid.dll only, if you deleted paths that are not highlighted then it might cause some trouble booting your PC.

5. Reboot Computer

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