advertisement Client is discontinued.
As of February 2020, we have chosen to discontinue our software Client. We won't sell any new licences to the software.
How long will Client continue to work?
At least during the rest of 2020. After that period, we will make a decision for how long the server will continue to run.
Why don't you sell it anymore?
It costs money to maintain a software over time. Sales have decreased a lot the last couple of years. Selling the software was a way for us to finance the service. Our strategy have now changed and we think that the only way to continously run, we needed to change strategy to become 100% financed by ads instead.
I forgot my license key
If you have purchased the software before, you can retrieve your license key here.
Can I download the software?
If you already own a license key, you can download the software again. New users won't benefit anything from downloading the installation file.